on finishing adoption paperwork, hairstyles, family pictures and sleep training!

So, Ms. Sophie has been a horrible sleeper lately. We will put her to bed around 8, sometimes she goes down pretty easily, other times she will fight us for 2 or 3 hours. Then about 2-3 hours later, she will come in our room and beg us to come in our bed. We sometimes give in and thus she has developed this little habit. Well, last week we decided it was time to begin the war (we have done this like 3 times now) and get her to sleep in her own bed!!!!!!!!!!! Oh man! She has for sure won more battles than us, but the war is not over!!!!!Her new schedule is follows:
(she has not been taking naps in the afternoon)
7:00: go to sleep
10:00: wake up and scream to come into our bed four 2 hours
12:00: go back to sleep
2:00: wake up and scream to come back into our bed
3:00: go back to sleep
6:00: wake up for a fun day!
FYI: we have tried putting her to bed later and she still wakes up at 6:00:(
ummm, I am tired and kind of irritated that she is sleeping worse now than as a newborn:(
Monday we were busy running errands and getting our hair cuts done, so we didn't get home until about 8 at night...oh and it was pretty much a hair disaster for me. I think that I must not be able to explain how I want my hair because on anyone else, it would have looked great, but on me it looked like a mullet from 1970.
Tuesday was pretty normal.
Wednesday...I wanted to be at work 30 minutes early so I woke up an hour early and between cleaning up poop and all the little things that came up that morning, I didn't get to work until 10 minutes late...and we ended up being late to everything that day! School that day was one crazy thing to deal with after another, and I was feeling quite stressed. I had scheduled an appointment with the hairdresser to fix my hair, it was in Brigham and I left 20 minutes early (it only takes me about 12 minutes to get there) well, there was a wreck and we sat in traffic for 15 minutes, therefore I was 10 minutes late!!! Sophie ran and ran around the salon, the stylist fixed my hair...(I am not in love with it, if anyone has a hair dresser they love, please let me know!) we rushed to Ogden to make the train cause we were going to meet Dan in Salt Lake to get our family pictures done. Well, the train drove off as Sophie and I were running....so, I decided to take her to the museum for an hour while we waited for the next train. At this point, my stress level was to the max. Sophie wanted to do art so we go up to the art room. Can I just say that I am so grateful we got the year pass?
I can take her to the museum anytime of any day and she can do an activity that she loves and I can just sit and watch and adore her! She isn't making a mess of my house, and she gets to be social!  I struck up a conversation with another mother and it was just what I needed to get me through the day. my nerves were calmed down and I was ready for the next challenge! Guess what? we made the next train, met Dan, ate a quick dinner, changed our clothes and got to the picture studio only 10 minutes late!!!:)
We had so much fun getting pictures taken! The lady was so so great with Sophie, getting her to laugh and really show her little personality, we even got a couple pics of Dan genuinely smiling, which never happens:) we went and got an ice cream cone and an hour later, we had all our pictures on a CD and our prints in a bag!
we got home at 1030 that night!

Thursday I took Sophie to her Playgroup at the Peak and then ran more errands.
Friday our friends Cami and Zane came over and it was just the fun we needed! I am so grateful for friends!
Saturday was spent deep cleaning our house and gathering our documents together because the man doing our adoption home study came Saturday night!!!! So, last week I would say that between completing paper work, cleaning my house, making a birth parent book, and gathering documents, I probably spent 40-50 hours on our adoption! but guess what? I AM DONE! I HAVE COMPLETED ALL THE PAPERWORK!!!! Now, all we do is wait...its no longer in our hands...
  • wait for the agency to read our application
  • wait for the social worker to complete our home study
  • wait for the adoption agency to get our home study from the social worker
  • wait for the adoption agency to approve our home study and then approve us
  • wait to get our Shutterfly book to give to the adoption agency so they can give it to the birth parents
  • wait for a birth mom to choose us
  • wait for our baby to get born...
we just need to trust in our Heavenly Father that he will get the right baby to us:)
We have seen it work before, we know his plan is better than ours, but sometimes it
is a little difficult to have PATIENCE!
So, please! If you have any toddler sleep training advice or a superb hair stylist, let me know!
much love,


  1. No advice here on getting your toddler to sleep through the night. I have two and can not figure out why some nights they both make it through the night fine and other nights we end up with two extras in our bed. I love reading your blog and am excited and praying for your next perfect little one.

  2. Wow, sorry about that rough day. It seems like those big planned days are the ones where accidents and other things just keep happening.

    I actually really like the style of your hair in the pictures, you are gorgeous! And I love the outfits you chose for Sophie; they are totally her vibrant fun personality.

    Good luck with the adoption waiting period; patience is the hardest value for all of us I think. You are such great parents, I know that the next child will be lucky to have you.

    P.S. About sleeping habits: keep with it, be strict! We used to put a blanket on the floor of our room so when Nathan came up in the middle of the night, he knew he wasn't allowed in our bed but could sleep on the floor. Definitely not as comfortable!

    We put ours to bed at 7pm if they haven't napped also. And they're early risers!!

    Thanks for the playdate at The Treehouse Museum; we had such a good time. Nathan did not want to leave at all but after 3 hours, my feet were dragging!! :)

  3. Your hair and family pictures are adorable!!!!! Good luck with your adoption! Hopefully a baby will soon find its way to your house!


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